Jakarta.. It would never be the same anymore

January 9th, 2011

It's so weird you know, if you had to came to city when everything seemed so different from what it used to be.
and for me, that city is Jakarta.
well, these fact actually has nothing to do with the crowd or physically form of the town itself.
no no no.
those fact just came from me..
from my feeling. and what I feel to this city, before and after.

Those difference getting stronger when I suddenly decided to got to Jakarta by myself for applying my visa to the Indian Embassy on January 5th..
Here I start..


A couple years ago, it might be 4 or 5 years ago, when my grandparents still alive, they got so excited when I'd like to visited them in Jakarta. They prepared everything for my arrival, every single thing.
Starts from my arrival in airport.
I still remember it very clearly, the memories about my grandpa who wait couple hours for my plane. He went to airport very earlier, around 2 hours before my plane arrived, he never complained if my plane arrived late, or because he has to wait for me for long hours, he just doesn't care. Because all he has to do is just wait in the very front of arrival gate so that from a distance he could see me waving hand, to emphasize that I'm ok, I came to Jakarta safely :')

After I took all my luggage, I came to him and he hug me so tightly, kiss my cheek, and ask, "apa kabar, nak?", and directly without wait for my answer he said, "akung sama uti kangen, udah lama kamu ga ke sini"
and after that, we spent the rest of distance from airport to the house with some chit-chat about everything.

Shortly, when I got to grandpa's house, I still remember the way my grandma stand calmly in the garage, stay with her peaceful smile, wait to welcoming me home warmly. And shortly after I get off from the car, she came to me, hug me, and said almost the same thing which my grandpa ask me before. Then, we, me, grandma, and grandpa, got to the living room to start another warm-welcoming conversation with a cup of tea served by Yuk Sur, their loyal servant.
Those moments, actually is kind of the best moments of mi life. And their presence, it made the moments became the perfect one.
I really missed them much :')


Imagine now, when they signed no presence on my arrival to Jakarta. Well, it will extremely different without them beneath.
It's like.. I don't know.. indescribable feeling..
of course.
but mostly is...
it feels like the some part, which is the beautiful part, of Jakarta is gone, and never be the same anymore. without them indeed.
No warm welcome.
No warm hugging.
No warm chit-chat in living room.
No warm-served a cup of tea.
No warmth of their kindness at all.
So that, the last time I arrived on Jakarta, I just got off from my plane, bring my own suitcase, exit from the gate, catch my first bus to my cousin's house on Rawamangun, and spent my time on the bus thinking of how lonely the crowded is..
Thinking how much I missed them..

Once again, for the last time,
Jakarta would never be the same anymore without you Akung.. Uti..
I missed you so damn much..
And I do love you so, Akung, Uti..
Rest peacefully in heaven.

Especially dedicated to:
Alm. H.M. Koesdarto Hadimoeljo
Alm. Niniek Indarmani
Thanks for showing me the best and the warmest love I've ever know in my life..

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1 komentar:

papa mengatakan...

good story.... good family....

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