Days are worth living with struggle

 Such a strange sentence, huh?

But it's always right. :)
A day without struggle would be just.. empty.
Well, it's happen to me.

Day by day, I always try to find myself better than a day before.
So that, I searched for some experiences, some new adventures, or another extraordinary things in my life.
Simply, I made myself the life planning, whether it's just a short-term planning, or it might be a very long-term planning.
And this blog, however, is one of those (random) planning :p
Oops, back to topic please..
Actually, by making those random planning, I really wish I could avoid any of empty day.
I just DON'T CARE if I need to STRUGGLE in everyday of my life.
I'm not afraid. NEVER.

As I'm an easy-going person, I'd like to make those struggling things just go with the flow.
As the clock's ticking.
As the wind blows me softly.

I enjoy it much, every pain or every scream or every tears or every smile of them.
I enjoy struggling :)

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